Just looking ahead at the cycles we're going to be doing and this is what I get:
[DONE] 1st
[DONE] 2nd gr + K'er ---------------------- Adventures
[THIS YEAR] 3rd gr + 1st grader -----------ECC + 1st
4th + 2nd + 3 year old-----------------------C to G + pre-k
5th + 3rd + 4 yr old -------------------------R to R + pre-k
6th + 4th + K -------------------------------Exp to 1850 + K
7th + 5th + 1st ------------------------------1850 to Modern + 1st
8th + 6th + 2nd -----------------------------Would we repeat ECC here?
9th + 7th + 3rd ------------------------------High School + C to G again
10th + 8th + 4th-----------------------------High School + R to R again
11th + 9th + 5th -----------------------------High School + High School + Exp to 1850
12th + 10th + 6th ---------------------------High School + High School + 1850 to Modern
11th + 7th-----------------------------------High School + [Would we repeat ECC here again?]
12th + 8th ----------------------------------High School + [Would we repeat C to G again?]
9th------------------------------------------High School
10th ----------------------------------------High School
11th-----------------------------------------High School
12th ----------------------------------------High School
Hoping that sitting on this one and mulling it over will bring some clarity ;)
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