Sunday, October 26, 2008

November Bookbag @ CurrClick

Wow. I haven't blogged about homeschooling for too long!

We use My Father's World for the core of our curriculum, along with Animal Worlds from Winterpromise, so we generally have enough to do ;) However, it's when we get to those "special" days like Veteran's Day and Thanksgiving coming up this month that I find myself at a loss. Not being from this country, I have a very general idea about what these days involve, but I'm at a loss for the details. The important details.

That's where the monthly Bookbag from CurrClick comes into the picture. It's a relatively new product (I think July or August was the first) but this month I took a good look at it, and I'm so glad I did - I took the plunge and bought it (in my hubby's words "for $4 you can't go wrong!") because it's filled with great resources without the fluff (or twaddle, as our dear Ms. Charlotte Mason would say.)

There is a fabulous study on Aviation that my 5 yr old son is going to love. And then there are excellent resources for Veterans Day (also very appropriate with the upcoming elections, and the ongoing war in the Middle East) and then some fabulous Thanksgiving resources. Well worth it.

HOW did I get it for $3.99 when it's regularly $4.99? Well, I signed up for their monthly reminder email so I get it early, and I get it at a discount ;) And if you go and get it before November 5th, you can get it at a discount too.

I don't buy many "extras" but this is one I will continue to buy because it's got the basic essentials that are neccessary, and just enough. A job very well done!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the card!