Sunday, June 8, 2008

Ta da!

I have had the most fabulous time over the last week working with Darcy from Graphically Designing on a new blog template. It took a while for my creative ideas to kick in, but with Darcy's help I think my blog is beautiful.

I really wanted to link to my African roots, as well as touch on the fact that an African minute is about as long as 10 American minutes - or so it seems. And I want to teach my children not to get so caught up on being overscheduled that they miss the joy in the moments of life.

So thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, Darcy, for a wonderful blog home

P.S. Darcy's personal blog is also wonderful - she's a real laugh, so go get a pick-me-up over at My 3 Boybarians.

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