Saturday, May 10, 2008

Fairy Tales

I was just reading one of my favorite bloggers, Jennefer, over at Smooth Stones Academy and her most recent post contained some quotes about Fairy Tales. I have always been "afraid" of fairy tales and fantasy, in spite of the fact that I grew up with it.

As I mentioned on her post, I think part of that is that somehow modern fairy tales and fantasy has been mixed with and distorted by horror and evil. Even in discussing this with my husband, he has come up with all the same questions and comments I have had:
- Will they know it's not real?
- Shouldn't the strong, firm foundation (i.e. biblical truth) be securely in place first?

We're still discussing this, and I hope to post our conclusion sooner rather than later, since this decision will most certainly influence the readers and read aloud books that we use.

Please feel free to comment about your thoughts on this one!

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