Thursday, April 3, 2008

A new beginning...

We have been using My Father's World since day 1 of home schooling. I have fought and struggled to make it work for us because I have felt "safe" with it. We used MFW K and had to adapt and change so much that it didn't really look like the original program! Now, we're doing the same with MFW 1st.

I believe the Lord is guiding me to something different than what we've been doing. We are told in His Word to "Trust the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths." I can honestly say that this has started as a heart thing, and my brain followed along after! I have taken the leap of faith and we're moving away from using "My Father's World".

I decided to use the following for DD6:
  • LA - Hooked on Phonics
  • Writing - A Reason for Writing
  • Math - Singapore Earlybird
  • Bible - I want to explore the NT with her so she can understand her Savior, while at the same time contextualizing it in history (or should I rather say, history with it!)
  • History - I want to do an overview of history from Creation to now, from a Biblical perspective.
  • Geography - Galopping the Globe looks like a blast!
  • Home Economics - Home Economics for Home Schoolers
  • Latin - I want to start Latin early, since that's when language comes easiest, however it's not a priority and I want to get the 3 R's prioritized for attempting "extras"
  • Music is also considered a language and imperative. I want to get a piano and begin lessons ASAP. Praying for the Lord to provide this...

I had decided all this when I found Heart of Dakota's "Little Hearts for His Glory". The program allows me to select my own LA and Math, and schedules this along with an outline of history from a Biblical perspective :) Science is "God's World" which is just up our street!

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