Friday, June 11, 2010

Hatch a Turkey!

How's THAT for a summer project! LOL! Yip, a friend has some excess fertilized turkey eggs that she can't fit into her incubator, so we're fostering them for the 28 days it takes to hatch them.

Since it's a Still-Air incubator without an egg turner, we have to be sure to turn the eggs 3 times a day for the first 25 days to prevent the chick from sticking to the shell while it develops. Then, for the last 3 days the chick positions itself for hatching and it's HANDS OFF! It's very cool that you can sometimes even hear the chick cheeping before it hatches :)

So that's one of the things we'll be doing this summer (to make the daily Math and English more bearable ;) as well as our vegetable garden, and just generally having a good time out in the sunshine :)