Reasoning, punishing, rewarding... NOTHING works. Not even scripture has made an impact on her at this point.
So I'm listening in to a conversation on the MFW Families Yahoo group with great interest. These are some of the interesting tidbits I've picked up:
"Fair isn't when everyone gets what they want,it's when everyone gets what
they need." - Pam's cousin
Areas to focus on: "I will obey.I
will focus.I will have patience.I will be a peacemaker.I will not complain
or argue.I will follow God, not evil." - Kristi
"I set up "attitude" chips. She started the day with 20. If she
demonstrated a bad attitude, misbehaved, purposely scribbled, etc, I
would take a chip. If she had 20 chips at the end of the day, she got 15
minutes of computer time that evening. If she had 15-19, no "bad
consequences," but no computer time. Less than 15 chips, then I would
have been adding chores. We never got less than 15. I also would allow
my dd to "earn" back chips by doing chores, or if I saw her be extra
kind, etc. Make sure you have a "plan" for chips. I had to do them for 2
days at the beginning of this school year. That was it. You can do
something similar with rewards/consequences. I think sometimes kids get
in the habit of complaining, attitude, etc, and this can help break the
habit." - Trish
With privilege comes responsibility. Or, with responsibility comes privilege!
I have more gems to think on, but for now, we're on our way to swimming lessons!