Right now, I sit here sobbing (again) at the loss of a little man I never new. It was Christian Drew's funeral this weekend, and his mother is a new hero of mine.
I never knew her either, but I have been witness to her love for the Lord in the tragic loss of her precious 3 year old son. She has done nothing but give all glory to our wonderful Father in heaven, and she has let the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ be known in all. Yes, I know we don't see the private moments. I know we don't see the moments of weakness in the intense pain. BUT what we DO see is her holding up the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, attributing all glory to Him, and trusting Him even in death. And THAT is what counts.
So as I sit here and grieve with her (watch her tribute to Christian) I am reminded to love and cherish EVERY moment with my 3 precious children. Having those little feet trip me up in the kitchen, and hearing the shrieks and squeals at uncomfortable decibels is my PRIVILEGE.
Lord, please grant me patience and gentleness. And please, in Your endless mercy, allow me to see the joy and grace in every moment. I love my children to the depths of my heart, and You have given me the privilege of sharing many more daily moments with them than many parents are blessed with. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for this wonderful gift. I will cherish it all the days of my life. These 3 precious souls are on loan to me, from You, and I trust that You are going to work Your perfect plan for their lives in spite of me.
Entrust your children into the hands of our wonderful, almighty Heavenly Father and enjoy them.