Ladybugs feeding on a raisin that was soaked in water.

I keep wanting to call them ladybirds, since that's what we call them in South Africa.
The earlier you start with a foreign language, the easier it will be for your child to learn it. Up to the age of 1 year old, a child's brain is wired to assimilate all the sounds of language. After that point, the child begins to use those sounds to communicate the language.
Many with a classical education approach are choosing to teach their kids latin and greek. We are going to major on living languages, and supplement with latin and/or greek.
Our first choice is French. Next, Spanish. Once our children get to an age where they begin to develop their own preferences and can make the choice themselves, they will be allowed to choose any foreign lanuage.
We began with La Francais Facile but it didn't work for me. I started learning French in 8th grade, and followed through to 12th grade. For the first two years we couldn't figure out whether our teacher could speak English or not! That complete immersion was valuable to how easily we picked up the language. La Francias Facile claims to use a Parisienne accent, but as someone who spent 5 years listening to and being taught by a Parisienne local, I am can very clearly hear the French Canadian influence and accent in the program. I also could not get used to English and French being mixed into the same conversation. While I love the philosphy and ministry desires of the author of this program, I don't believe it is a good foundational beginning for someone who wants to be as fluent in French as possible.
We may use the program at a later stage to assimilate the vocabulary needed to share the gospel. For now, we are starting with Ecoutez! Parlez! and French songs and rhymes.
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. This is the first and most important commandment. The second most important commandment is like this one. And it is, "Love others as much as you love yourself." All the Law of Moses and the Books of the Prophets are based on these two commandments."
Fine Motor Skills & Logic Building/Problem Solving
During the I-i-Insect unit we will look at Ants and Ladybugs
During the B-b-Butterfly unit we will look at... you guessed it .... butterflies!
We will also look at some classical music and the composers, and while listening to the pieces will complete different tasks.
Beginnings 1: Precious in His Sight (New Testament Lessons for Little Listeners) Beginnings 1: And It Was Good (Old Testament Lessons for Little Listeners)LA
Handwriting Without Tears
RightStart Math
Apologia Elementary
Story of the World
The Mystery of History
Tapestry Of Grace
Cantering the Country
Galloping the Globe
Foreign Language
Baby’s First Steps in French by Erika Levy (CD)
Bilingual Baby (French)
“Teach Me Tapes” – Teach Me French (www.teachmetapes.com)
Ecoutez! Parlez! By Katleen Newton